Simsekler General Ship Chandlers & Ship Repair Inc provides fire fighting, life saving instruments and safety equipments inspection services, maintenance, repair, reporting and sales wide range of certified the best quality safety products and spares that comply International Standards and Rules to meet your requirements. Our safety experts, contracted service stations and workshops authorized by manufacturers are fully trained, experienced, certified by IACS Members and comply with Flag State requirements.

- CO² High/Low Pressure Systems
- Novec Systems
- Fixed Dry Powder Systems
- Fixed Foam Installations
- Foam Analyzing
- Gas, Fire and Smoke Detecting Systems
- Fire Extinguishers
- Breathing Apparatus & EEBD
- Medical Oxygen Resuscitators
- Inflatable Lifejackets
- Immersion suits
- Chemical suits
- Fire fighting suits
- Lifeboats, liferafts and rescue boats
Calibration Services
- Gas detectors portable and fixed
- Pressure Calibrations
- Temperature Calibrations
- Calibration Gas Supplies
- Manometers and pressure gauges
UTI Maintenance Services
- MMC Ullage Temperature Interface
- Enraf TankSystem Ullage Temperature Interface
- Tanktech Ullage Temperature Interface
Load Tests
- Lifeboats and Rescue boats
- Davits & Winches
- Hook Release Systems
- Cargo Cranes
- Provision Cranes
- Hose cranes
- Load test engine room cranes, Chain blocks and lifting appliances
- Accommodation Ladders
- Gangways
- Elevators
Safety Radio Survey Services
- GMDSS safety radio surveys
- Surveys, servicing and testing of radio communication equipments
- Annual performance testing of VDR and S-VDR
- Annual performance testing of AIS
- Annual testing and maintenance services of EPIRB
- Annual testing and maintenance services of SART
- Annual testing and maintenance services of Gyro
- Annual testing of SSAS
- LRIT conformance testing
- Magnetic compass adjustment